Our process is pretty simple. We listen, keep listening, and then listen some more.

Before we recommend a course of action, we really get to know you. We ask questions to get a clear understanding of your circumstances and financial objectives. We then analyze your existing plans to see if they meet your current and future needs.
We understand that experience, process, and knowledge are not the only components of successful wealth management. It is vital that you have a connection with your financial professional. To that end, members of Summit Wealth Management hold all initial meetings without fee or obligation in order to provide prospective clients an opportunity meet our team.
We prepare written recommendations to fill in the gaps and to help you reach your objectives more efficiently. We utilize some of the most powerful planning and research software in the industry and collaborate with subject matter experts to assist us in our plans. This provides added confidence that your financial strategy is a blend of your dreams and goals in alignment with technical research.
We may find that there are additional questions or new concerns. Or it may be that our strategy is a perfect fit. Implementing a financial strategy can take a few days or a few years. At Summit Wealth Management, the client sets the pace.
Your financial situation will change. Through periodic reviews, we will monitor the performance of your strategy and ensure that it is always focused on pursuing your goals.